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After pepper was "disgraced" due to constant price reduction and constant disease, while avocado, durian and coffee prices fluctuated, many farmers in the Central Highlands were plunging into new movements: Growing lemon cord.
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Dak Nong: It is recommended not to massively increase the area of lemon tree planting
At the beginning of 2016, the price of lemon was up to 40,000 - 50,000 VND / kg, with hundreds of big winners. However, lemon tree market consumption is very uncertain, disease outbreak is too complicated, the current price is only 5,000 - 7,000 per kg. Dak Nong agriculture always advises farmers not to massively increase the area. Dak Nong farmers are growing hot lemon area, exceeding the plan three times.
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The Bound because the same lemon
Multiple apartments in Mang Yang, tỉnh Gia Lai is not quiet because the same like the line of Loan Loan (Middle China), to scheduled plan but not output or very small.
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Lemon rose, farmers re-planting
The high price, when massively planted, when the price dropped all the trusses and until the price to continue to plant again. That is the refrain of lemon tree in Gia Lai Province last time
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