
Orange Vinh Long

Sanh orange has a dark green color, when ripe turns yellow, the fruit is round, with a sweet, sour, soft, fragrant flavor that is used for refreshment. Weight about 60gr or more. Sanhed oranges are easy to recognize thanks to their thick, rough skin that resembles a flakey surface, and is usually light green (orange in color when ripe), and orange in color.

Sanhed oranges have medium growth characteristics and tend to rise. Trees give fruit soon after 2 years of planting (grafted tree). -The harvest of Sanhan oranges focuses in August - December - Characteristics: Fruit has a slightly flat spherical shape, average weight 235.9g, orange peel, blue to yellow green when ripe, lumpy and thick 3-5mm The shrimp have a deep orange-yellow color, a lot of water, sweet and sour taste - Brix: 8 -10%, very fragrant and quite nutty (8-16 seeds / fruit).



Benefits from Sanhed Orange:

Saffeinated orange juice has a lot of vitamin C. This is an antioxidant that helps slow down the effects of cell aging and damage cells. Vitamin C can even help boost your immune system!

Orange juice contains a lot of calcium, so it is suitable for those who do not like milk. Drinking orange juice also enhances calcium for strong, strong teeth and bones ...

A glass of orange juice contains only about 14% of the recommended amount of potassium for the day, but should give you a good start to the day.

Drinking orange juice in any way does not increase the amount of fat or cholesterol in it.

Orange juice adding a little salt after exercising sweating is a way to regain fitness quickly. Because the amount of fructose and 85% of the water in oranges will be quickly absorbed by the body, oranges have a very good refreshment and fitness effect.

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